Callum Martin Energy


What is a SAP Rating?

SAP stands for ‘Standard Assessment Procedure’. It is the only system in place for assessing the energy performance of a new home that is recognized and approved by the government 

A SAP Rating results in a figure between 1 and 100, with 100 representing zero energy cost (occasionally rating’s can reach above 100 which means you are exporting energy). The higher the SAP rating, the lower the fuel costs and the lower the carbon footprint of your home. 

The SAP Calculations form an energy cost based on the construction of the home, materials used, its heating system, internal lighting and any renewable technologies installed. 

Why do I need a SAP Rating? 

Sap Calculations are a requirement of the Building Regulations, and are required for, among other things, all newly built dwellings in the UK. A SAP Rating has been required for all new homes under Part L of the building regulations since 1995, therefore most developers will be familiar with it. 

However, for many first time self builders and developers it will be a new but mandatory aspect of the planning and building control process. 

SAP Calculations do three things: 

  1. They determine a SAP Rating – this is the energy related running costs of a dwelling 
  1. They demonstrate compliance with Part L of the building regulations 
  1. They are used to produce an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) 

What else requires a SAP Rating? 

Many extensions, conversions and other change of use schemes will require SAP Calculations under Part L1b of the building regs: 

  • Extensions with more than 25% glazing-to-floor area
  • Barn conversions 
  • Commercial to domestic conversions 
  • Conversion of a single dwelling into flats or apartments 


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