Callum Martin Energy believes we all have a right to feel comfortable in our own homes. To achieve this we need to use energy; keeping our homes warm in the Winter, and cool in the Summer, along with using our appliances and generating hot water all use energy, and all help us to feel comfortable in our own homes.
22% of all UK carbon emissions come from our homes, and every use of energy also raises the bill for you. However, we are here to help! Callum Martin Energy has a consultancy package which will help you to lower your bills, and your carbon footprint.
Having your home checked for energy efficiency is a very important step in reducing your energy output.
We will arrange a full audit for your property by one of our qualified energy assessors to discover how energy efficient it is. A few simple changes can have a huge impact on your bills over the year, and your assessor will produce a report and give invaluable advice on how to do this.
We will look at all the factors of energy consumption in a home including insulation, appliances, and even the impact of switching energy provider.
Contact us to book your appointment and start saving money on your household bills today!