Callum Martin Energy
Retrofit Assessment

Retrofit Assessment

What is a Retrofit Assessment?

Simply put, a Retrofit Assessment is adding something to your property that wouldn’t have been necessary or included when it was built. This largely refers to improvements that are necessary to make older properties more energy efficient.

Energy efficiency can be improved via a number of ways, including:

Replacing a heating system

Improving the ventilation and air quality

Utilising Renewable technologies

Improving insulation

All of the above

The Retrofit Assessment is delivered over three reports:

An Energy Report – This will look at the property’s current energy usage, and compile a detailed report of what changes may be necessary to improve energy efficiency. This is not the same as an Energy Performance Certificate.

A Condition Survey – This report will assess the structural integrity of the property specifically for any energy improving changes that could need to be made. This is not a full structural report, and only looks at the aspects of the property that could be impacted by energy efficiency changes.

An Occupancy Assessment – This section of the assessment will look at the energy bills of the property over the previous year. It will focus on patterns of use for hot water, heating etc and give you an overview of what changes can be made to save on energy bills.




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